5. August 2014

An amazing lecture about painting

I would like to share a little event in the chapel, which was 

happening some years ago.

While I was meditating in the chapel, Swamiji entered the room 

with a group of italien people. He introduced them into the icons

 hanging in the secret space behind the curtain .

Suddenly he pointed on the icon above – one of the icons I painted 

for him - and said in an exciting mood: „Look ! I have painted this 

icon!“ and then, like an actor he was pointing on all the other icons 

of mine, hanging in the chapel – repeating: “Look I also painted 

this and this and that icon!“

First I was somehow irritated, but quickly I realized in my next 

thought :Yes- it is true! It is HIM who is painting through me! I am 

HIS instrument!“

Immediately he came to me and caressed my face tenderly, 

showing to me that I have got it.

It was an expression – going hand in hand with my feelings while 

painting and falling into deep concentration – through HIM.
