29. April 2014

Painting of Mother of God-Icons

Painting of Mother of God-Icons

with Jaahnvi from May 9 – 11, 2014 

Painting images of the Virgin Mary with infant Jesus belongs to the oldest and most known motives since the beginning of icon painting. After the imaging of Jesus Christ on icons it was the paintings of Holy Mary with infant Jesus that the church allowed to be shown as an idol of the Divine.

Therefore these representations have a long tradition up to the present time and have developed very much in church-art in different religious directions. Especially in the Russian-Orthodox church there is a great variety, where the Madonna-icons have their own names, depending on how she is depicted with the infant Jesus.

Mary was the mother of Jesus and a servant of God by consciously experiencing and fulfilling her destiny.
She is the mother but also his pupil, joined in God’s love. To paint Madonna-icons is also a deepening and an inner experiencing of this particularly deep and unconditional love.

We immerse into this world through painting, it is enriching and a very beneficial process for all participants. It is also a prayer to Mother Mary. 

Start:  Friday, May 9th at 2.00 pm

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